Clinical Trials

Clinical trials represent the latest research about your condition and may offer new treatment options. People participate in clinical trials for a variety of reasons:

  • Participants might want to try something new.
  • Participants might be interested in receiving investigational medication, and study-related care.
  • Some participants feel that by volunteering they are contributing to advancing science by helping researchers find better treatments for individuals who suffer from similar conditions.

Our Current Clinical Trial Programs

Biohaven BHV4157-303 OCD

We’re studying an investigational drug to potentially help treat the symptoms of OCD. Adults with OCD who are not satisfied with their current medication may be
eligible to participate in a study with an investigational medication that would be added to their current medication.

You may qualify for the study if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are between the ages of 18 and 65.
  • You think you may have symptoms of OCD or you have been diagnosed with OCD.
  • You are not taking Fluvoxamine (Luvox).

Leave your name here so can get a free evaluation to see if you qualify. If you qualify and participate you will receive a free comprehensive physical and psychiatric evaluation with labs. Also you will be compensated for your travel and visit expenses.

Cerevel CVL-751-PD-004 Parkinson's

A chronic neurodegenerative disorder, Parkinson’s primarily results in progressive and debilitating motor symptoms, including decreased bodily movement, slowness of movement, rigidity, tremor and postural instability, all of which result from the death of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain.Tavapadon was rationally designed as an orally-bioavailable, once-daily partial agonist that selectively targets dopamine D1/D5 receptor subtypes with the goal of balancing meaningful motor activity with a favorable tolerability profile. 

Leave your name here so can get a free evaluation to see if you qualify. If you qualify and participate you will receive a free comprehensive physical and psychiatric evaluation with labs. Also you will be compensated for your travel and visit expenses.

Federal law requires that every medication must go through a series of clinical research trials before being approved by the FDA, in addition to being approved by an independent Research Ethics Board. Clinical research trials are critical in the advancement of medicine and making available new and helpful medications. It is Dr. Leonard A. Lado MD’s mission to play an integral role in the advancement process and help millions of people suffering from diseases.


Please fill out the following information so that we can contact you about our clinical trials