About Us

Dr. Leonard Lado, MD, ABPN, RPh.

Dr. Leonard Lado‘s background is highly unique but yet complementary for the work that he’s currently doing. Prior to going medical school Dr. Lado attended pharmacy school at the Arnold Marie Short College of pharmacy in Brooklyn, New York. The pharmacy experience was rather unique and very helpful. It gave Dr. Lado a comprehensive background and the use of medication‘s in particular the specialization of psychopharmacology. During that period Dr. Lado had the privilege to be involved in various research projects early in his life which helped him later to have a more scientific and objective mind. It was a critical time of training because it laid the foundations of research. His medical school training was also rather unique, he decided to go to a foreign medical school to understand how medicine was practiced in other countries. This training was also very helpful because in many other countries around the world, they don’t have the privilege of certain technologies that the United States have. And it is for this reason that training was unique because he only depended on what the patient was saying, and the physical examination. This is an art and science that has been lost now in medicine. Dr. Lado understands that every disease has a history and a story to tell.

Nowadays technology pervades, and it doesn’t help much in diagnosis only in certain diseases which are rather rare. After studying abroad Dr. Lado was involved in a surgery residency program at the Baylor College of medicine a unique school of cardiovascular sciences. He trained under the father of cardiovascular surgery, Dr. Michael E De Bakey. This experience gave Dr. Lado even more disciplines in the medical sciences. After one year of training, he decided to go to psychiatry.

Psychiatry has been a challenging specialty as it limits itself from not having sophisticated technologies to make diagnosis. Psychiatry requires astute, observation and keen listening to diagnose because each disease has a story such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, etc. After completing his residency in the university of Texas Health Science Center, Dr. Lado began training in 1993 and was immediately thrown into a field that was very early at that time for people with substance abuse. This was another unique opportunity, allowing Dr. Lado to train early and dealing with the current epidemic of drugs, marijuana, cocaine, and painkillers. This unique combination of surgery, pharmacology and psychiatry is why Dr. Lado is one of the highest-ranking psychiatrists in Southwest Florida. He can quickly make a diagnosis with his current technology that he has developed over the years, along with genetic testing to match the persons condition to the medication that is needed, and the use of new technologies that are now available for the treatment of mood disorders such as transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy. This technology promises to be the future of psychiatry and it continues to advance with new treatments that are highly effective using electromagnetic energy.

Moving into the future Dr. Lado is exploring the areas of orthomolecular psychiatry and the optimization of nutrients such as vitamins and peptides to supplement the current standards of treatment for psychiatry. You are welcome to visit Dr. Lado if you have any mental health diseases or you’ve been struggling with other doctors.

Silvana Toscano

Graduating with her master’s degree from Nova Southeastern in 2016, Silvana Toscano is a board-certified physician assistant with over seven years of experience in psychiatry, internal medicine, and gastroenterology. Silvana worked in internal medicine and gastroenterology for four years but always had a passion for psychiatry. In 2021 Silvana decided to let that passion inspire her and she joined the Lado Healing Institute, helping patients with all types of mental health conditions/disorders along the way. Silvana believes in old fashion medicine and treats every patient like family and empowers them to better themselves and live long healthy lives. 

Sonia Reido

Sonia Redio Rondon is an AGPCNP-C, and PMHNP-BC, APRN. She was born in Cuba and graduated as a medical doctor in 1992. She also graduated as a neurophysiologist in Cuba before emigrating to Spain where she worked in Alternative and Integrative Medicine. In 2000 she migrated to the USA with her husband, who wanted to pursue his dreams of establishing a chandelier company in the USA.

In 2009 Sonia became an RN and worked in behavioral as a staff and charge nurse until 2013 at Doctor Renascence in Texas. In 2015, Sonia graduated from her first master’s as an Adult -Gerontologist Primary care Nurse Practitioner. She graduated Magna Cumme laude from South University in Savannah, Georgia.

Sonia worked in internal medicine, and nursing homes with elderly populations with dementia and other psychiatric disorders until 2019 when she graduated with her second Master’s in Psychiatry. She graduated Summa Cumme Laude from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in Texas.
She developed her psychiatry master practicum and training in substance use. She has been mainly working in psychiatry dual diagnosis since 2019.

Her passion for integrating traditional with alternative medicine and the concept that not always the same treatment fits everyone in psychiatry led her to pursue a career where personalized and alternative treatments in psychiatry are relevant. That way she knew about Dr. Lado and his Lado Healing Institute, which is based on personalized treatment for mental illness and where every client is seen as unique in his circumstances. Sonia is also a certified medical examiner since 2019.

Sonia firmly believes being under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Leonard Lado at Lado Healing Institute impacts her performance and that any psychiatry healthcare provider who wants to excel in this psychiatry field and treat every patient as a unique being.